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Oasis Poetry

Oasis Poetry

>Oasis > Poetry > Open Your Eyes




1. Quiet yourself and imagine dropping
down into the dark abundant well of your
soul. Take a few moments to feel that deep place and become aware of God's presence there.

2. Silently read the poem completely
through once.

3. Read the poem out loud.

4. Slowly read the poem again silently,
savoring the phrases, the words, the feel,
the taste of it.

5. On a blank piece of paper or on a page in your journal, complete the following:

a. The first image that arose in me as I read this poem was...

b. My immediate feelings after reading this poem are...

c. The reality that has been unearthed for me by reading this poem is...

d. If I were to paint a picture about this poem I would include my work of art...

e. If I were to add a line of my own somewhere in this poem it would be...

6. Read the poem out loud again, but this time as a prayer to God.

7. Sit in silence to see if God has a response to make to you.

8. End with your own prayer or poem of thanksgiving.

Open Your Eyes
Richard Guy Miller

We never really die.
We just open our eyes.

When they have seen
Their last limitation,
We turn and weep,
Or we awake from our dream,
Open our eyes and know...

We never really die.
We just open our eyes.

When we have seen
Our last limitation,
We turn and weep,
Or we awake from our dream,
Open our eyes and know...

We never really lived.
We just closed our eyes.

Copyright ©2003 Richard Guy Miller


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