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The Words of My Mouth...

Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch at the door of my
--Psalm 41:3

It is a response of passion. Speaking, that is. Words always follow
the passion that pulses in the heart. We feel first and then we
speak. When we feel deep love and tenderness in our heart, our words
are gentle--brushed with the soft wool of a young lamb. When we are
frustrated, hurt, or angry, our words are hard; they cut and rend
without restraint. They chafe with the harshness of steel wool. We
unleash words of anger and hearts are destroyed. We unleash words
of tenderness and hearts are healed. But it all begins with the
passion of the heart.

Pray that God will guard your lips so you speak only the words that
bind and heal. When your words are like rich fragrant oil that
soothes the world around you, you will find your own heart more
peaceful and still.

Make me mute before others, Lord, until my words can flow from a
heart of peace. Then let my words be the balm that soothes a troubled

--from Signposts: Thoughts for Meditation by Renée Miller

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